Degrees Zoom In on Photography Careers
Courses in photography from most online universities include instruction in the principals of photographic design and the significance of visual style in the commercial sector. Students in photography study the application of professional cameras, lenses and other tools. They learn to use a professional lab and the techniques needed to work in a professional environment. Many online classes train students in the use of programs like Adobe Photo Shop and MAC OS X, which are considered standard in the industry.
Through the Lens: Working as a Photographer
Companies across the globe are looking for trained photographer with style instincts and talent. There's a home for nearly every style of photography, from the abstract work that lines art cafes' walls to the images that capture major events for newspapers and magazines. Photography can take you anywhere in the globe, and you can choose between working for a company or being your own boss, selling your work yourself.
Because photographers' jobs are so diverse, so are their salaries. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average photographer earned about $26,000 in 2004, though some earned considerably more. Those who work full-time tend to earn more than those who freelance (are self-employed).
March Ahead With Tuition Assistance and Promotion Points
The Army Tuition Assistance Program provides funding for soldiers taking college courses. Earn your online photography degree now or perhaps later through a campus program, and the Army will curb or carry the bill. What's more, the U.S. Army will grant soldiers 1.5 promotion points for ever 1 unit of civilian education (up to 100 points), so the time you spend studying now will benefit you right away--not just after you fulfill your contract.
The discipline and work ethic learned you learn in the Army combined with the creative instincts of a photographer can lead to a great career. Research online schools today!