Weight Gain During Pregnancy

The average weight gain per trimester during your pregnancy may vary slightly from the numbers below:
- 1st Trimester - 3 to 4 pounds
- 2nd Trimester - 12 to 14 pounds
- 3rd Trimester - 8 to 10 pounds
The following numbers may help you to better understand where the newly added weight is coming from:
- Blood - 3 pounds
- Breasts - 2 pounds
- Womb - 2 pounds
- Baby - 7.5 pounds
- Placenta - 1.5 pounds
- Amniotic Fluid - 2 pounds
- Fat, Protein and other Nutrients - 7 pounds
- Retained Water - 4 pounds
Here are the recommended weight gain guidelines for pregnant women:
- If you are normal weight before pregnancy: Gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy.
- If you are overweight before pregnancy: Gain 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.
- If you are underweight before pregnancy: Gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy (depending on your pre-pregnancy weight).
If you have a multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets or more): See your health care provider. You will need to gain more weight during pregnancy depending on the number of babies you are carrying.
Gaining the right amount of weight will make it easier to shed pounds after delivery and will prepare your body for breastfeeding. It also helps protect the health of your baby.