Will the Post 9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon Program Pay for My Class A CDL?
Q: Can I use the Yellow Ribbon Program to get a Class A Commercial Drivers License?
A: Most likely not. The Yellow Ribbon Program is part of the Post 9/11 GI Bill and right now, that GI Bill does not pay for non-degree courses unless they are taught at a degree-producing school.
However, that will change starting this fall. With the passage of the GI Bill 2.0 change, the Post 9/11 GI Bill will start paying for non-degree courses in addition to licensure and certifications. In short, it will function more like the Montgomery GI Bill.
As you may or may not know, under the Yellow Ribbon Program, a school declares which programs will qualify for their Yellow Ribbon agreement with the VA – usually that focuses on degree-producing courses.
The school can pay up to half of the difference between what they charge and what the GI Bill pays. The VA will pay an equal amount. This leaves very little for the student left to pay, however, most non-degree courses were not included in the Yellow Ribbon agreements because they were not covered under the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
I have not read or heard anything yet as far as if non-degree courses will be covered by Yellow Ribbon Program or not, but my gut instinct is telling me probably not.