Why Isn’t My Post 9/11 GI Bill Money Available Until October?
Q: I started school on August 1st and applied for my GI Bill in June, I was told that my GI Bill money wasn’t going to be available until October 1st and that I was going to get back pay is this correct?
A: Without more information as to exactly what you are talking about, I don’t know if I can answer your question. Of the changes taking place on October 1st, you could be referring to”
- Using Title 32 time for Post 9/11 GI Bill eligibility
- Being able to attend non-degree courses regardless of where they are taught (as long as the school is VA-approved)
- Being able to collect a housing allowance for online courses only
- Book stipend being authorized for active duty spouses and servicemembers using the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
As far as backpay, it could be true. The real determining factor is if you were eligible for the benefit during the period of time you are requesting reimbursement for. If so, then you most likely will get reimbursement as long as it has been less than one year from the time period you are claiming.
If you were not authorized the benefit at that time, then most likely you would not get reimbursed. I wish I could be more helpful, but without knowing more of the specifics, that is about the best I can do. Send me more information and I can give you a better answer.