Where Can I Look Up the Maximum In-state Tuition Costs?
Q: Is there a site that I can go to where I can look up the highest tuition costs for different in-state schools?
A: Yes there is; go to the VA’s website. Click on POST 9/11 GI BILL & OTHER PROGRAMS. Scroll down and click on maximum in-state tuition rates. The chart lists the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill maximums for each state. Even if your tuition costs are less than the Maximum Charge Per Credit Hour for your state, the VA will not pay more than the Maximum Total Fees Per Term, as your tuition costs are included in that maximum fees amount.
If you school charges more per credit hour than what shows in the chart for your school’s state, then you will have to pay the difference, unless you are at the 100% tier level and your school is a Yellow Ribbon school. If they are, then they can pay up to half of the difference not covered by the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill and the VA can pay an equal amount. This leaves very little, if any, out-of-pocket expenses for you to pay. If they are not a Yellow Ribbon school, or if you are not at the 100% tier, then you will have to pay the amount not covered by the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill.