t Are the Minimum Number of Credits I Have to Take to Get the Post 9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance?
Q: My first question is what’s the minimum credits I need to qualify for a stipend and can my son use the Post 911 GI Bill? If so, how many credits will he has to maintain to receive allowance? I retired with 20 years of service Jan 31, 2003 and now live in GA. Please help. Thanks!
A: I can’t give you an exact number as it depends on the number of credits your school considers to be full-time. I can give you a percentage – 51% of that full-time credit number. For example, many schools use 12 credits as the minimum number a student has to take and still be considered full-time. So to qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance, you would have to take 51% of that number or 7 credits.
Keep in mind that if you attend less than full-time you will get a proportional amount of the housing allowance based on the number of credits you take and the zip code of your school. If in our example, you are taking 7 credits, then you would get 7/12th of the full housing allowance. Before GI Bill 2.0 you would have gotten the whole amount regardless of the number of credits you would have taken as long as you were over the 51% figure, but not now.
The other stipend you can get is the book stipend. That pays you $41.67 per credit per semester up to $1,000 per school year.
To answer your second question, no you would not be able to transfer your Post 9/11 GI Bill to him. Under the Post 9/11 GI Bill rules, you have to be serving at the time of transfer.