Is It True I Can Only Use My Post 9/11 GI Bill at Certain Online Schools?
Q: Hello, My husband transferred his Post 9/11 GI Bill to me. I am wanting to get my Masters in Occupational Safety. My husband is currently going through pilot training with the Missouri Air National Guard, resulting in us moving every 6 months or so which does not allow me to physically go to a school. I want to go to Eastern Kentucky University online. I have been told a few things by many people. I was told I can not use his GI Bill for an online school and that I can only use it on certain online schools. I would like an answer so I can pick a school and start attending this winter after our fourth move this year.
A: It always amazes me how much mis-information there is out there concerning the Post 9/11 GI Bill (or any GI Bill for that matter). What you were told about using it for online program is partially true. It can only be used at schools that are on the VA’s Approved School List. By-the-way, Eastern Kentucky University is listed as a VA-approved school. Just as a note though I see Occupational Safety as a bachelor’s degree program, but not in a master’s degree. However, they do offer a Safety, Security and Emergency Management as a master’s degree program. You might want to look into it further before enrolling.
There are many unscrupulous schools out there that love to get GI Bill benefits. Many are either not accredited or their accreditation is worthless, so the VA has screened them and either approve or disapprove them for GI Bill purposes.
If your husband is on Title 10 active duty orders and drawing BAH on you, then you would not get the housing allowance. For an online-only student, that amounts to $714.50 per month. If you waited to go to school once he was off orders and back on drilling status with the Air National Guard, then you would start getting that payment. Regardless, you would get the book stipend per semester calculated at $41.67 per credit (up to the $1,000 per year cap).