If I Have VEAP, How Do I Change Over to the MGIB or Post 9/11 GI Bill?
Q: I came in under VEAP, never changed to the MGIB and never put in the $2,700. The allotment stopped after a year and I don’t know how. It was either $600 or $1,200. How do I change over to the MGIB or Post 9/11 GI Bill?
A: I’m trying to figure out exactly which GI Bill program you have. The $600 figure tells me you had the Buy-Up program. The $1,200 leans me toward the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB), but under VEAP you could have contributed anywhere from $25 to $2,700, so the $600 and $1,200 could be just coincidences and the amount you had paid when your contributions stopped.
The cut-off date to make VEAP contributions was April1, 1987, so that could explain why your contributions stopped if you came up against the cut-off date. That is purely an assumption on my part as I don’t have enough information from your question to give you a definitive answer.
Assuming you have VEAP, and never used it within 10 years after your discharge, you should have gotten the money you put into it back according to the rules of VEAP. If you didn’t get your money returned to you , and you are past the 10-year mark, contact the VA and ask about your money. They may not have been able to find you to give you your money back.
The last election date where you could have converted over to the MGIB was October 31, 2001, so converting to the MGIB is not an option.
You could qualify for the minimum Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits (40%) though, if you had at least 90 days of active duty after September 10, 2001. With at least three years after that date, you would get 100% of the Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.
I wish I could have been of more help, but with the limited amount of information in your question, this was the best I could do. If you could send me more information, I could be or more assistance.