How I Can Transfer My Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits to My Daughter?
Q: Please tell me how I can transfer my Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to my daughter.
A: The process of transferring Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to your daughter is easy provided you first meet the transfer-of-benefits requirements. Before you can get a transfer request approved, you must:
• Have served for at least six years; if in the Guard/Reserve, you must have at least one eligible period of service within your six years of service.
• Be currently serving at the time of your transfer request.
• Have at least four years left on your enlistment; if you are on active duty, you would fall under the new rule; you have at least four years or more left before reaching your Retention Control Point or High Year Tenure, because you would have to extend for four more years. If you have less than four years left until reaching either of these points, then most likely you would not be able to get a transfer request approved. So far, the SELRES is not falling under the Retention/High Year Tenure four-year rule.
If you meet these three service requirements, then go to the milConnect website and make a transfer request. Once in your daughter’s record, enter in the number of months of benefits you would like to transfer to her. Once finished and submitted, you will see a status of “Transfer Pending”. Keep checking back periodically and look for a status change to “Transfer Approved”.
Once approved, your daughter then has to go to the eBenefits website and submit VA Form 22-1990e to get her Certificate of Eligibility. She will need that certificate when she enrolls in school as a GI Bill student using transferred benefits.
If you are not still serving, then you would not be able to make a transfer request.