How Does a Kicker Affect My Post 9/11 GI Bill?
Q: I am in the process of getting out of the Army and going to college full time. When I enlisted I signed up with a GI Bill Kicker. My question is how does that affect the Post 9/11 GI Bill?
A: You can use a Kicker with the Post 9/11 GI Bill if it is a true kicker – one you did not have to pay into. Many people call the $600 Buy-Up program a kicker when in fact, it is not and it cannot be used with the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
If your Kicker is an enlistment incentive for signing up for a critical MOS or into a critical unit, or for the Army College Fund, then it is a true kicker and may be used with either the Post 9/11 GI Bill or Montgomery GI Bill.
When you send in your application to start using your GI Bill, be sure and include the documentation showing that you are authorized a Kicker and for how much. Otherwise the VA doesn’t know, nor will they pay you without documentation. It will either show in your DD Form 4 Enlistment Packet or it will be a separate form/annex in the packet.