How Do We Change Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits from My Kid’s Name to My Name?
Q: My children names are currently attached to my husband’s Post 9/11 GI Bill. We would like to change it to put my name on so I can start school in the fall. Please help! Thanks. — Keva
A: That may or may not be possible Keva. The big question is if your husband is still serving or not. If not, and he had not given you any Post 9/11 GI Bill entitlement when he was serving, there is nothing that anyone can do now for him to be able to revoke transferred benefits from his kids and reallocate them to you.
However, if he is still serving, or he had made a transfer to you while serving, then he can revoke some or all unused benefits from his children and give them to you.
Many savvy military members give each child and their spouse at least one month of Post 9/11 GI Bill benefit while still serving. Doing it this way it makes it extremely easy to move entitlement around from one family member to another.
If he is still serving, he may have to extend his enlistment out enough so that he has at least another four years to serve before he could get a transfer request approved.
I suspect he is already out and you never had benefits before in which case nothing can be done to transfer benefits to you now.