How Do I Revoke Post 9/11 GI Bill Transferred Benefits from One Child and Give It to Another?
Q: I transferred my Post 9/11 GI Bill to two of my kids and now want to split it with my third child…..I cannot figure out how to get back on there to do this…can you help me out?
A: How you do it depends on if you are still serving or not. If you are, then all you have to do is go to the milConnect website, Sign In (or Sign Up if you have not been at this website before) and click on the TEB Quick Link. Once in, open up the record(s) of the kid(s) that you want to take benefits away. Enter into their records the number of months of unused benefits that you would like to leave each of them with. Then open up the record of the kid you want to give benefits to and enter into his/her record the number of months you would like to transfer to him/her.
If the system won’t let you enter a number in your latest kid’s record, then you may have to wait until the months of benefits you took away show up as your unused benefits. Once that happens, then try to make the transfer again.
If you are already out, however, the Post 9/11 GI Bill rules are different. You cannot transfer benefits to a kid not already having received benefits from you or your wife while you were serving. So if the third kid never had received benefits before, you can’t transfer benefits to them now (if you are not currently serving). That can make a difference in your decision to pull benefits from your other two kids.
If they are not using their benefits or if the benefits are in danger of expiring due to the kids approaching age 26, then you can pull the benefits back. If you are already out, the method in which you do this is different as you have to do it by submitting a letter to the VA.
Be sure to give them all the information, such as the name, SSN and then number of months you want to pull from each one along with your information so they know where to place the revoked months.