How Do I Get a One-Credit So I Can Qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance?
Q: Sir, I am going to school once a week. The representative from the school informed me that in the fall semester, I will be only taking 6 credits. I am aware that I need 7 credits in order to qualify for 51% of benefits. The one credit that I need, can I take from a different school? Maybe online? I need options, What do you suggest that I do in order to get this one credit that I am missing for the benefits? Thank you.
A: You might not need to take 7 credits, unless your school establishes at least 12 credits as full-time. Some schools do use lesser number of credits as their full-time mark. But if your school does use 12 credits as full-time, then taking 6 credits would not qualify you for the Post 9/11 GI Bill monthly housing allowance as you noted and you would need at least an additional one-credit class.
Your two options as you noted are either taking a class at another school or taking one online. Taking a class at another school has to be first approved by your present school. How that works is your school that will be issuing your degree is designated as your primary school. The other school is your secondary school.
Your primary school would send a letter to your secondary school laying out which class you would take from them. Once you have finished that class, your secondary school will put the credits on a transcript. Your primary school transfers those credits to your degree plan. Whether you take classes online or on campus, it works the same way.
The key to making this work is to communicate with your primary school as to why you need to take classes at another school or online. Your VA Certifying Official at your primary school should be familiar with this process and s/he can assist you.