Does the VA Have a Required Minimum GPA to Keep Receiving Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits?
Q: My daughter is attending a private college in GA and she has been using my husband’s Post 9/11 GI Bill for two years now. Her grades have been pretty good and she has maintained at least a 3.0 GPA so far but I just found out that one of her classes this quarter she could possibly get a “D” which may throw her GPA to a 2.9. Is there a minimum required GPA to uphold while you are receiving Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits? I’m afraid if she happens to fall below a 3.0 GPA the VA won’t pay for her next semester classes. And what would happen to her housing allowance if this happened. Thank you – Jill
A: No Jill, the VA does not have a minimum GPA that a student using Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits must maintain. All they ask is that she receives a passing grade of which a “D” would be passing.
But for a second, let’s assume she does fail that class. The VA has a one-time/first-time policy in which she could drop up to six credits once with no questions asked and no effect on benefits.
After using the policy once however, future failed classes could stop benefits and may even require reimbursement back to the VA depending on the reason for failing.
Failed class reasons fall into two categories – mitigated and non-mitigated. If the VA found her reason for failing a class to be non-mitigating (out of her control), then most likely she would not be required to pay anything back.
However if the reason was determined to be mitigating (within her control), then they may require reimbursement and they would most likely stop her benefits until she could prove that whatever was causing her to fail had been corrected.
In regard to her Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance, if they stop paying tuition, they would also stop paying the housing allowance and book stipend.