Does a Home Inspector Certification Qualify As a VRAP High Demand Field?
Q: I was interested in becoming a certified Home Inspector. I was talking to a school rep with American Home Inspectors Training Institute, LTD and they said they just got certified for the VRAP now. Does a Home Inspector certification qualify as a High Demand field and is American Home Inspectors Training Institute, LTD certified for VRAP.
A: I’m not seeing Home Inspector specifically listed in the VA’s VRAP High Demand Listing, but it could fall under item 162 – Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Others, under the general heading category of Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations.
As far as the school itself, I’m also not seeing them listed in the Weam’s School Search program either, nor does the school mention anything about being VA-approved or taking the GI Bill on their website.
So in light of a lack of information, I think you would want to check specifically with the VA first to see (1) if that occupation is covered under VRAP and (2) if the school is VA-approved before enrolling. Otherwise, you could end up paying for the program yourself.
Just because a school says they are VRAP certified, that doesn’t mean they are. There are many aggressive schools out there right now that want GI Bill money. I’m not saying the school you are looking at is one of them, but because VRAP, nor any other GI Bill, is not mentioned on their website, I would tread carefully.
I’ve heard countless stories where students have enrolled in a school thinking they took the GI Bill only to find out after racking up several thousands of dollars in tuition that they don’t. Guess whose door the school knocks on to get their money?
If this certification is what you want to do regardless if VRAP pays for it or not, then it won’t be a big issue for you. But if the VA must pay for this program for you to succeed, then check out everything carefully before proceeding.