Can I Use My Hazelwood Act Entitlement for the Summer and Save My Post 9/11 GI Bill?
Q: Hi, I am currently using the Post 9/11 for the spring and fall semesters, can I use the Hazelwood Act for summer classes if I wanted to save my post 9/11 for full semesters?
A: Most likely not. And why would you want to save your Post 9/11 GI Bill for “full semesters”? Usually schools divide up their summer semesters into 2 summer sessions each around two months long. They also reduce their full-time rate of pursuit to half of what a full semester is meaning if their full semester credit floor is 12, each summer session is 6 credits and still considered full-time.
Therefore, you could attend a summer session, get the same monthly housing allowance each month of the summer session as you would get during each month of full semesters and only use up only two months of Post 9/11 GI Bill entitlement during the summer session.
When you apply for the Hazelwood Act, you also have to include a letter from the VA that states how much Post 9/11 GI Bill entitlement you have left to use. If your Federal education benefits exceed what you have left under the Hazelwood Act, your application most likely would not be approved.
Therefore, the easiest and best bet is to use up all of your Post 9/11 GI Bill first and then switch over and start using your 150 hours of Hazelwood Act benefits. It will be a lot less painful doing it that way.