Can I Transfer Part of My Montgomery GI Bill to My 9-Year Old Daughter?
Q: I am retiring in 2 months and am interested in transferring part of my Montgomery GI Bill to my daughter who is 9 years old. 1. Can I transfer part of the GI BILL to her? 2. Once a portion of the GI BILL has been transferred to her, when does she have to use it by? I think I read 26 years old. 3. Can my daughter transfer the GI BILL to someone else? 4. I may convert the GI BILL to the Post 9/11 GI BILL and then transfer part of it to my daughter. But that depends on the answer to question # 3 above. Thank you so much for your help.
A: You would not be able to transfer your Montgomery GI Bill to her as it does not have any transfer option to it. However, you can switch over to the Post 9/11 GI Bill and transfer up to 36 months to her.
To make a transfer request, just go to the milConnect website and follow the Transfer of Benefits Section. When you make a TEB request, you are automatically switching from the MGIB to the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
You will have to do it soon though because the transfer has to be complete before you get out. Actually you should have started many months ago as it can take up to 10 weeks to get a transfer approved.
Once your daughter is ready to go onto post-secondary education, she can go to the eBenefits website and fill out VA Form 22-1990e to get her Certificate of Eligibility (COE). At least that is the process right now. By the time she is college-eligible, the process may have changed somewhat, but there will still be a similar process.
Once she gets her COE, she will have to give a copy to her school so they know she is a Post 9/11 GI Bill student using transferred benefits. And she has up to her 26th birthday to use her benefits. After that, they expire, unless you take back what is left before she turns 26.
You daughter would not have any transfer privileges herself – they remain with you. At any time, you can revoke unused benefits and either keep them for yourself or allocate them to an eligible recipient, meaning a dependent family member that has had or currently has Post 9/11 GI Bill transferred benefits.