Can I Check to See If My Dependent Child’s Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits Have Started?
Q: How can I check to see if transferred benefits to my dependent child has started?
A: I’m not sure what you mean by “started”. If you mean has your transfer-of-benefits request been approved, then all you have to do is keep going back to the TEB website periodically and look for a status change to “Transfer Approved”.
However, if you mean has your child started using his/her Post 9/11 GI Bill transferred benefits, there really isn’t a sure way to tell until either the school or your child each start receiving payments.
But to start using benefits, and once your transfer request has been approved, your child has to go to the eBenefits website and request his/her Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by submitting VA Form 22-1990e.
Then when enrolling in school, s/he will have to turn in a copy of the COE to the school. The school will in turn send in a Certificate of Enrollment on behalf of your child. That certificate is what triggers the process to start.
Just so you know, it can take up to eight weeks until your child or the school sees a payment deposited into either account. After the initial payment, your child should see a payment around the same time each month for the duration of the semester. Once a new semester starts, at least for now, the process (including the initial wait period) starts all over again.