Can I Attend Any Online School to Finish My MBA or Does It Have to Be in the State of Alabama?
Q: I am looking to transfer programs to continue my MBA with a strictly online program. Can I attend any online school or can it only be an in state of Alabama program? Thank you.
A: If you are using Alabama’s state GI Bill, then you have to stay at a school within that state. However if you are using a Federal GI Bill, such as the Montgomery GI Bill or Post 9/11 GI Bill, then you can attend any school you want as long as it is VA-approved.
To find out if the school you are looking at is approved or not, go to the Weam’s School Search website. If you know which school you would like to attend, just enter in the name of your school and click on the Submit button.
Also know that the pay structure of the Post 9/11 GI Bill is different if you attend an online-only program verses one at a brick and mortar school. Online only students get a maximum housing allowance of $715.40 per month whereas brick and mortar students get approximately twice that amount, so that might be a consideration as to whether you want to finish your MBA all online or not. Even just one class on campus would bring you the full housing allowance.
The other consideration with your MBA program is that the VA only pays up to the resident amount at a public school or up to $20,235.02 per year to attend a private school, so you would most likely have some out-of-pocket costs. It could be worthwhile to see if your school has a Yellow Ribbon agreement with the VA. That program could help pay the difference.
You would however get the book stipend of $41.67 per credit per semester (with a $1,000 per year limit).