As a Reservist, Can I Transfer My Post 9/11 GI Bill to My Son?
Q: Hello, I am currently on active duty serving in Afghanistan. I have the option of joining the reserves next year. As a reservist can I transfer my remaining Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to my son? Thank you.
A: Yes, you can, if you are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill transfer option by having served at least six years in the Reserve and if you sign up for at least four more years. Just know that you have to make a transfer request to your son while you are still in the Reserves; once you are out, it is too late to make a transfer.
Also the percentage tier that you are at at the time of transfer will also transfer to him. For example, with a one-year deployment you will get up to the 60% tier. So when he starts using his transferred benefits, 60% of his tuition and fees will be paid for by the VA directly to his school. He will get 60% of the monthly housing allowance as well as 60% of the yearly book stipend.
Because you are not at the 100% level, he would not be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program.While your transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits will not pay for all of his school costs, it will certainly help.