Are There Legislative Bills That Help Me With Transferring Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits to My Kids?
Q: Retired Jan. of 2000, served 20 yrs in the Navy. My children are interested in going to college. Would they be able to use my GI Bill for that purpose? How do I go about applying that on their college education? Only been out of the military 11 years, what is the time frame to take advantage of that GI Bill for my kids. I guess this is call S.3447/H.R 5933 and H.R 3577. Please provide me with information.
A: Unfortunately none of the above will apply in your case. First, if you retired in 2000, then you had the Montgomery GI Bill and it did not contain the option to transfer benefits to dependent children. The Post 9/11 GI Bill, which does have that provision, would not start for another nine years, so that one doesn’t apply either. Besides, with the New GI Bill, you had to be serving at the time you would have made a transfer. Once retired, it is too late.
Second, as far as a time frame, the Montgomery GI Bill was only good for 10 years from your date of discharge, so it would have expired in 2010. So even if you did have some transfer benefits there, they would have been gone by now.
And then there are legislative bills S3447/HR5933 and HR3577. Since these bills only applied to the GI Bill you didn’t have, none of these would have made a difference in your case. And even if you did have the Post 9/11 GI Bill it wouldn’t have mattered in that not only did none of the legislative bills pass, none even came up to a vote. All have subsequently expired and died in place.