Network Controller
Possible topics to discuss during counseling:
- Close out last quarter’s counseling (Assessment Section of DA Form 4856)
- Define satellite network scenario on DOSS, AN/FYQ-110
- Perform geometric calculations on DOSS, AN/FYQ-110
- Communicate with SCCE using DOSS, AN/FYQ-110
- Perform analysis of report and plots from DOSS, AN/FYQ-110
- Perform analysis of reports using DASA, AN/FSQ-142
- Characterize satellite link using DOSS, AN/FYQ-110 and DASA, AN/FSQ-142
- Maintain DSCS electronic counter-counter measures control subsystem-central component (DECS-CC) AN/FSC-115
- Maintain radio frequency interface subsystem (RFIS) AN/FSQ-150
- Maintain patch and test facility (PTF) AN/FSC-160(V)
- Maintain frequency conversion subsystems (FCS) AN/FSQ-158(V)
- Maintain satellite monitoring system, DFCS-NCT, AN/FSC-96
- Perform communications payload control
- Operate receiver-transmitter group orderwire OZ-52/G
- Monitor downlink using DASA, AN/FSQ-142
- Operate DECS-CC, AN/FSC-115
- Operate radio frequency interface subsystem (RFIS) AN/FSQ-150
- Operate patch and test facility (PTF), AN/FSC-160(V)
- Operate frequency conversions system (FCS), AN/FSQ-158(V)
- Operate satellite monitoring system, DFCS-NCT, AN/FSC-96
- Operate SMART multicircuit terminal (SMCT) II, AN/FGQ-13
- Perform PMCS on DECS-CC, AN/FSC-115
- Prepare Hazardous Conditions (HAZCON) reports
- Prepare SATCOM Equipment reports
- Prepare Product Quality Deficiency reports
- Troubleshoot system outages in a satellite communications network
- Supervise the operation, maintenance, and security of COMSEC equipment
- Plan and coordinate the activation of satellite links with supported units
- Prepare emergency destruction plan
- Evaluate physical security of facilities
- Establish and maintain a publications library
- Establish and maintain files and correspondence for the section
- Inspect station/net operations
- Inspect the preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on equipment
- Prepare work schedules
- Allocate equipment for operations or other special missions/exercises
- Advise superiors on capabilities and limitations of tactical satellite communications
- Write or interpret operation orders and prepare standing operating procedures (SOP) for tactical satellite communications
- Ensure compliance with security regulations governing communication equipment, COMSEC, and automated data processing (ADP) equipment
- Coordinate logistical support for day to day operations
- Establish technical, operational, and maintenance training programs for subordinate personnel
- Responsible for the accountability, training, health, welfare and morale of subordinate personnel
- Counsel subordinates on professional growth and performance counseling
- Additional or appointed duties
Short Term Goal:
- Attain ASI-WHCA Console Control OPS (J7), Master Fitness (P5), and Battle Staff (2S)
- College Courses
- Promotion-update DA Photo and personnel records
- Drill Sergeant
- Upcoming exercises/missions, unit inspections
- Raise APFT score
Long Term Goals:
- Instructor
- Operations Sergeant
- First Sergeant
Below is a space for you to list additional topics that may apply uniquely to your situation:
Possible Plan of Action: (Person counseled develops plan with counselor’s guidance.)
- Inspect DA 5988 (PMCS) on all assigned equipment for maintenance status
- Maintain proficiency on tactical satellite communications
- Maintain accurate status boards to reflect accurate and current satellite information
- Inspect and maintain fair work schedules for subordinates
- Maintain equipment accountability/serviceability for future exercises/missions
- Produce weekly report on equipment status
- Review and update current SOPs
- Inspect/review COMSEC compliance measures
- Maintain required logistical support
- Inspect, review, establish training programs
- Review and counsel subordinates as required
- Maintain leader book on subordinate personnel
Possible Leader’s Responsibilities: (This is only an example for you to use as a guide.)
- Provide soldier with all current DA-5988s on all assigned equipment
- Provide soldier with a copy of all SOPs and policy letters
- Provide soldier with short/long term calendars
- Provide soldier with required resources to conduct training and operations
- Inspect the deployment and operation of microwave equipment
- Provide sample of required leader book items