Battalion Commander
Possible topics to discuss during counseling:
- Review/discuss job description, area(s) of special emphasis, additional duties, and Army Values.
- Discuss Leader Philosophy, command climate and team building responsibilities
- Discuss responsibility to mentor and counsel subordinates
- Discuss expectations in job performance and military bearing
- Discuss personal and organizational goals-short and long term
- Discuss Command Accountability/ Standards
- Discuss unit’s mission and METL
- Review near term training plan, deployments and other readiness issues
- Discuss key Command policies and SOPs
- Discuss Rating chain/Counselors support form
- Discuss issues of immediate importance to the command.
Below is a space for you to list additional topics that may apply uniquely to your situation:
Possible Plan of Action: (Person counseled develops plan with counselor’s guidance.)
Possible Leader’s Responsibilities: (This is only an example for you to use as a guide.)
- Provide copies of your support form, command policies and SOPs
- Provide your interpretation of the subordinates job description, additional duties and required standards of conduct
- Provide your assessment of the unit, it’s training status, strengths and weaknesses and personnel assessment
- Provide clear and unambiguous guidance to the subordinate
- Mentor the subordinate
- Set a date for a courtesy command inspection
- Set time/date for the next counseling
- Based on the agreed action plan, identify and fulfill your requirements to the subordinates development