Positive Urinalysis Test Results
Developmental Counseling: is a subordinate-centered communication that outlines actions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual and organizational goals and objectives (begins with the reception/integration and/or initial counseling and is a continuous process. Note: Developmental counseling may not apply when an individual has engaged in more serious acts of misconduct. In those situations, the matter should be referred to the commander and the servicing staff judge advocate for input and direction).
Goal/Intent: Event-oriented counseling involves a specific event or situation. This counseling may precede or follow events and is both positive and negative in nature (e.g., assistance, direction, conduct, progression, superior performance, substandard performance). Successful event-oriented counseling must be conducted as close to the event as possible. The common tendency is to identify what went wrong instead of right. Often, counseling efforts focus on identifying/documenting the poor performance/conduct. Leaders must be just as diligent and forthright in identifying/documenting positive performance/conduct as well. When a leader’s rehabilitative efforts fail, counseling with a view towards separation fills an administrative prerequisite to many administrative discharges and serves as a final warning to the soldier to improve performance/conduct or face discharge. In most situations, it is beneficial to involve the chain of command as soon as you determine that adverse separation counseling may be required. Adverse separation counseling may involve informing the soldier of the administrative actions available to the commander in the event substandard performance/conduct continues and of the consequences associated with those administrative actions (see AR 635-200).
Possible Purpose of Counseling: (reason for counseling; para. C-68).
- Event counseling (e.g., Positive Urinalysis Test Results).
- Leader includes facts and observations prior to the conduct of counseling.
The purpose of this counseling is to inform PFC Somebody that he tested positive for substance abuse, the potential consequences of his conduct, and to develop a plan of action for rehabilitation/resolve.
Facts: The company commander was notified that you tested positive for marijuana use (results attached) during a urinalysis conducted on 27 Feb 2001.
Possible Key Points of Discussion During Counseling: (para. C-69, C-70).
Your misconduct is in violation of U.S. Army policy. This misconduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I am recommending that you be barred from reenlistment, flagged, receive punishment under the UCMJ, and possibly processed for separation from the service pending the outcome of the investigation.
Possible Plan of Action: (subordinate develops plan with counselor’s guidance; para. C-71).
You will be escorted to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program (ADAPCP) center to set up an initial meeting with a counselor. The findings of their evaluation will determine what type of treatment will be recommended to the commander. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) will interview you.
Possible Leader Responsibilities: (counselor’s responsibilities to subordinate; para. C-75).
You will continue to receive weekly awareness/safety briefings on the consumption/use of alcohol, drugs and their affects. This counseling is based upon your misconduct. Continued misconduct of this nature could lead to further corrective training, action under the UCMJ, and/or elimination from the service. If this conduct continues it could be cause for separation action. If separated for your duty performance, the least favorable character of discharge you could receive is a general discharge. If separated for misconduct, you could receive an under other than honorable discharge. Both may cause undue hardships in civilian life and may reflect on your eligibility for veteran’s benefits, eligibility for reentry into the Armed Forces and acceptability for employment in the civilian community (AR 635-200).
Assessment: (completed by both the counselor and subordinate; para. C-76).
- To be completed once action(s)/standards/desired results are achieved, corrective/rehabilitative training/punishment is complete, or the plan of action has changed.
Reference: FM 22-100, Appendix C, dtd., August 1999
**(This example is intended to be used as a guide and is not all inclusive)**