Driving under the Influence (DUI)
Possible topics to discuss during counseling:
- General Letter of Reprimand
- On post driving restrictions
- Effects on military career
- Enrollment into the ADAPCP
- Any personal problems
Below is a space for you to list addition topics to discuss that may apply uniquely to your situation:
Possible Plan of Action: (Person counseled develops plan with counselor’s guidance.)
- Accept whatever punishment received under UCMJ and don’t look back on it.
- Work to improve military bearing and appearance on and off duty by doing what is right.
- Further knowledge and skills by taking as many classes as possible through the military and civilian schools.
- Will arrange to have someone drop him/her off and pick him/her up from work while driving privileges are suspended.
- Will attend all meetings at the ADAPCP per the command directed guidance.
- Will have a plan in place and a designated driver available when going anywhere alcohol is being consumed.
- Provide the chain-of-command a copy of weekend plans prior to every weekend or Holiday.
Possible Leader’s Responsibilities: (This is only an example for you to use as a guide.)
- Support the soldier in overcoming this hurdle
- Get soldier enrolled in ADAPCP
- Prior to weekends counsel soldier on his/her responsibility to not drink and drive and obtain soldier’s weekend plan.