NCOER What's Hot / What's Not
Overlapping Beginning Dates
Overlapping beginning dates overlapping the previous report is the top NCO-ER error. Commands must use the Intra Web Response System (IWRS) at the EREC Website ( to prevent gaps in reporting personnel and overdue reports.
NCO-ER Counseling
Soldiers deserve quality face to face performance counseling to know where they stand, what’s expected, and standards on how to improve within rating periods. Rating officials must use actual counseling dates and not fudge dates on the NCO-ER. Initial counseling must be conducted at the beginning of the rating period, paying particular attention to counseling dates for rated NCOs PCS’ng within a particular month, receiving Change of Rater NCO-ERs thru that PCS month; the new rater cannot conduct initial counseling during the THRU month of the Change of Rater NCO-ER from the losing organization (rater must conduct the initial counseling within 30 days of the new rating period following the ending month of the COR NCO-ER)
Unjustified Excellent Markings
Board After Action Review (AAR) comments continually state “Too many NCO-ERs have “unjustified” excellence remarks.” If there are no quantifiable accomplishments then promotion selection board considers it only a “successful” rating. Prevent inflation by justifying bullet comments supporting excellent box checks.
Inconsistent Marking Between Rater and Senior Rater
Inconsistencies between rater and senior rater comments caused a significant amount of doubt for voting panel members. These conflicting messages made it much more difficult for board members to evaluate NCOs and decide which ones most deserved promotion. Some records showed a wide disparity between the rater’s evaluation and the senior rater’s evaluation of an NCO’s performance and potential. For example, it was not unusual for a rater to rate an NCO as successful in all areas and fully capable overall, while the senior rater gives the NCO a “1” rating in both performance and potential, with a “promote now” or “promote ahead of peers” recommendation. Likewise, a rater might rate the NCO excellent in four areas and successful in one, while the senior rater gives the NCO a “2” in potential and performance and recommends “promote with peers.”
Raters and senior raters should work as team. The reviewing official should scrutinize rater and senior rater consistency and adjust as necessary before the document becomes part of the NCO’s official record. Army leaders should publicize to all rating officials their responsibility to capture the NCO’s performance and potential without sending mixed signals to the board. All rating officials should be familiar with the responsibilities outlined in AR 623-205. Recommend this information be distributed to the field via bulletins, branch newsletters, NCOPD, OPD and during counseling sessions.
Retired Personnel Returning to Active Duty
Retirees returning to Active duty do not receive NCO-ERs because active duty rules do not apply. Personnel in this status cannot and do not compete for promotion, school, command, or any other favorable action.
Academic Evaluation Report (AER)
AER comments detailing NCOs performance at military schools are not authorized on NCO-ERs because this period is considered non-rated time and annotated on the NCO-ER as such. The accomplishments are annotated on the AER and would be erroneously duplicated if mentioned again on the NCO-ER.
Reviewer’s Nonconcurrence
Reviewers must clarify his or her disagreement with the NCO-ER by marking non-concur and writing a one page nonconcurrence memorandum clarifying markings of rating or bullet comments.
Reviewers are reminded that no person may require changes be made to an NCOER. However, members of the rating chain and the PSB will point out obvious inconsistencies or errors to the appropriate rating officials.
Relief for Cause NCO-ER
Special attention is needed regarding NCOs temporarily removed from duty positions due to pending investigations and possible Relief for Cause NCO-ERs. Rated NCO’s falling into this category should be informed that the time of temporary removal is non-rated time. Rating chain for personnel assigned as recruiters and drill sergeants are reminded to focus on regulations governing those programs and follow the policies outlined in AR 623-205, para 3-32.