Countersigns and Parole Words
The commanding
officer (para 4 a) directs the
use of the countersign and
parole word.-
The countersign
is used in combat and, when
necessary, in garrison. -
The parole (word) is used to
check on the countersign when
inspecting guards. -
Any person in time of war who
discloses the parole word or
countersign to any person not
entitled to receive it, shall be
punished by death or such other
punishment as a court-martial
may direct (Article 101, Uniform
Code of Military Justice).
Whom Authorized:
If a countersign
and parole word are prescribed,
they are devised by the highest
headquarters within a zone or
area. This authority (app F) may
be delegated to subordinate
units so they can designate a
countersign or parole
immediately, if it becomes
necessary; however, these units
notify higher headquarters of
such action without delay.
Selecting Countersigns —
Challenge and Password:
The choice of
words or sounds is made with
care. Words are selected that
are difficult for the
enemy to pronounce and do not
indicate the expected answer.
When sounds are selected for use
they should be distinctive and
similar to those normally heard
in the locality. -
The use of the countersign is
rigidly controlled and the
initiative to use it rests with
the challenger (guard). Mutual
identification is essential;
therefore, the person challenged
should not give the password if
he fails to recognize the
challenge. The challenger
(guard) will use only the
challenge, never the password,
except as prescribed in
titled "Using Parole Words"
found below. -
Positive identification by the
guard of all persons claiming
authority to pass is the main
consideration. Persons whose
sole means of identification is
the password are not allowed to
pass. If there is a reasonable
doubt of the challenged person’s
authority to pass, even if he
gives the password, he
apprehended and turned over to
the commander on the relief for
further investigation.
Using Countersigns:
When a challenge
and password are prescribed, the
challenge is given by the guard
after the person is advanced to
be recognized. The password is
given by the challenged person.
The challenge and password are
given in a low tone to prevent
them from being overheard by
others. For example, a guard at
an ammunition dump observes a
group approaching his post.
While the group is far enough
away (for the guard to take
effective measures should the
group rush him) he calls “Halt!
Who is there?” After receiving
an answer (such as “Sergeant
Black, Delta Company”)
indicating the group is friendly
and that it may be authorized to
pass, the guard says, “Advance,
Sergeant Black, to be
recognized.” When Sergeant Black
reaches a point where the
challenge, spoken in a low tone,
can be heard only by Sergeant
Black, the guard again says,
“Halt!” Then he gives the
challenge in a low tone (e.g.
“Rainbow”). After receiving the
correct password from Sergeant
Black (e.g. “Archer”) and
otherwise satisfying himself
that Sergeant Black is
authorized to pass, the guard
says, “Advance, Sergeant Black.”
The guard then tells Sergeant
Black to bring up his men and
identify them as they pass.
Parole Words:
The commanding
officer directs the use of a
parole word. It is a secret word
imparted only to those persons
entitled to inspect the guard
and to commanders and members of
the guard. It is used as a check
on the countersign.
Using Parole Words:
The parole word
is used by authorized persons to
inspect the guards. When the
inspector gives a guard the
parole word, the guard gives the
inspector both parts (the
challenge and the password) of
the countersign. The guard does
not use the password at any
other time. The parole word may
be used before or after the
hours of challenging; the
inspector gives the parole word
when he is close enough to
prevent it from being overheard
by unauthorized persons. Upon
hearing the parole word, the
guard knows
that he is being inspected by an
authorize person. The guard then
repeats both parts of the
countersign (challenge and
password). -
When used during the hours of
challenging, the inspector does
not give the parole word until
he is advanced to a position
near the guard. After being
advanced to be recognized, the
inspector would then use the
parole word and the guard gives
him both parts of the
countersign. If the guard
challenges the inspector with
the first part of the
countersign, the inspector
answers with the parole word
instead of the password. The
guard then gives the password to
the inspector. If the inspector
does not wish to reveal his
official capacity while
inspecting the guard he gives an
answer such as “friend” when
halted by the guard. Examples of
using the parole word: The
countersign is “Rainbow-Archer”
and the parole word is
“Sunshine.” During daylight
hours the officer of the day (or
any person authorized to inspect
the guard) approaches a guard.
The guard salutes the officer at
the appropriate time. When the
officer of the day is close
enough to the guard he gives the
parole word by saying “Sunshine”
in a low tone to prevent it from
being overheard. The guard
answers by saying “Rainbow-
Archer.” This is to insure that
the guard knows both parts of
the countersign. -
If the guard halts the officer
of the day during the hours for
challenging and receives the
reply “friend,” then the guard
says, “Advance, friend, to be
recognized.” When the officer of
the day is close enough to be
recognized, the guard again
halts him. The officer of the
day then says, “Sunshine.” The
guard answers “Rainbow-Archer.”
If the guard challenges the
officer of the day with the
challenge he says, “Halt,
Rainbow.” The officer of the day
answers, “Sunshine,” giving the
parole word instead of the
password. The guard then
answers, “Archer.”