IPE is issued to and inspected by
the individual and prepared for use.
Personnel carry their protective
masks with their LCE. The standard
issue overgarment and other IPE are
carried or are readily available. To
be considered readily available,
equipment must be carried by each
individual, stored within arm’s
reach, or be available within 5
minutes; for example, within the
work area, vehicle, or fighting
position. Units in MOPP0 are highly
vulnerable to persistent agent
attacks and will automatically
upgrade to MOPP1 when they determine
or are notified that persistent NBC
weapons have been used or that the
threat exists for NBC weapons use.
The primary use for MOPP0 is during
periods of increased alert when an
enemy has a CB employment
capability, but there is no
indication of use in the immediate
future. MOPP0 is not applicable to
forces afloat.
When directed to MOPP1, personnel
immediately don the overgarment. In
hot weather, the overgarment jacket
can be left open and the overgarment
can be worn directly over underwear
and other IPE making up the
individual MOPP gear (e.g., footwear
covers, mask, and gloves are readily
available or carried). M8 or M9
paper is attached to the overgarment,
(carry the NAAK and decontamination
kit or keep them at hand). MOPP1
provides a great deal of protection
against persistent agents. The
primary use for MOPP1 is when a CB
attack in theater is possible.
Personnel must remove contact lenses
and wear protective mask optical
inserts. Leaders also monitor
hydration levels. For forces afloat,
MOPP1 means IPE is available
Personnel wear and/or put on their
footwear covers, overgarment, and
the protective helmet cover. As with
MOPP1, the overgarment jacket may be
left open, but trousers remain
closed. The mask with mask carrier
and gloves are carried. The primary
use for MOPP2 is when a CB attack in
theater is possible. Personnel carry
M8 and M9 paper, nerve agent
antidotes, and decontamination kits
or keep them at hand. Personnel wear
the protective mask optical inserts
and maintain hydration levels. For
forces afloat, MOPP2 means that
personnel begin carrying masks.
Personnel wear the overgarment,
footwear covers, protective mask,
and protective helmet cover. Again,
flexibility is built into the system
to allow for personnel relief at
MOPP3, particularly in hot weather.
Personnel can open the overgarment
jacket and roll the protective mask
hood for ventilation, but the
trousers remain closed. The
protective gloves are carried. The
primary use of MOPP3 is for
personnel operating inside areas
where a chemical-agent contact
hazard does not exist. MOPP3 is not
appropriate if a contact hazard is
present. At MOPP3, forces afloat don
protective suits and boots and
activate intermittent countermeasure
Personnel completely encapsulate
themselves by closing their
overgarments, adjusting all
drawstrings to minimize the
likelihood of any openings, and
putting on their protective gloves.
MOPP4 is used when the highest
degree of protection is required, or
if CB agents are present but the
actual hazard is not determined. As
with every other MOPP level,
flexibility is built into the system
to provide relief to the individual.
Once the hazard is identified and
risk assessment measures are
employed, the overgarment may be
left open.
During coalition operations, US
forces familiarize themselves with
the protection levels used by
personnel from other nations.