Standards: Loaded linked ammunition in the feed tray groove so, when the cover was closed, a round remained in the tray groove and ammunition fed correctly.
Conditions: Given a cleared M60 machine gun with a bipod and linked
7.62-mm ammunition. You must load the
machine gun.
Loaded linked ammunition in the feed tray
groove so, when the cover was closed, a
round remained in the tray groove and
ammunition fed correctly.
Performance Steps
Keep all
loaded weapons pointed in the
direction of the target area.
1. Place the safety on FIRE (“F”).
2. Open the bolt by pulling the cocking handle to the
rear, locking the bolt to the rear
with the palm of your hand facing up.
3. Return the cocking handle to the forward position.
4. Place the safety on SAFE (“S”).
5. Raise the cover.
6. Ensure that the feed tray, receiver group, and
chamber are clear.
7. Place the first round of the belt in the feed tray
groove, making sure the double link is
leading with the open side of the link
8. Hold the belt up (about six rounds from the loading
end) while closing the cover, ensuring
that the first round remains in the
feed tray groove.
Evaluation Preparation:
Setup: At the test position, place an M60 machine gun with bipod
legs extended. Place a belt of linked dummy
7.62-mm ammunition with the machine gun. For
standardization, have the bolt and cocking
handle forward, the safety on S, and the
belt of ammunition on top of the cover.
Ensure the ammunition is clean and linked
properly. Get an assistant to relink and
wipe the ammunition clean for repeat
Soldier: Tell the soldier to load the
M60 machine gun.
1. Placed the safety on “F.”
2. Pulled the cocking handle to the rear position with
the palm up.
3. Returned the cocking handle to the forward
4. Placed the safety on “S.”
5. Raised the cover.
6. Ensured the feed tray, receiver group, and chamber
are clear.
7. Placed first round in the feed tray groove.
8. Held the belt up while closing the cover.
9. Closed the cover so the first round remained in the
feed tray groove.
10. Completed performance measures 1 through 9 in sequence.
Score the soldier GO if all
performance measures are passed. Score the
soldier NO GO if any performance measure is
failed. If the soldier scores NO GO, show
the soldier what was done wrong and how to
do it correctly.