Inspection Arms from Order Arms
1. First and Second Squads, FALL OUT, U-Formation, FALL IN. AT EASE. The next movements, which I will name, explain, have demonstrated, and which you will conduct practical work on, are inspection arms from order arms and order arms from inspection arms.
2. Inspection arms is used for safety at the initial formation of the day or when the last command is dismissed. Order arms is used to bring the rifle back to the position of attention with the rifle.
3. The commands for these movements are, Inspection, ARMS; Ready, Port, ARMS; and Order, ARMS.
4. Inspection, ARMS; Ready, Port, ARMS; and Order, ARMS are two-part commands, Inspection, Ready, Port and Order are the preparatory commands, and ARMS is the command of execution.
5. When given, these commands are as follows: Inspection, ARMS. Ready, Port, ARMS. Order, ARMS.
6. Demonstrator, POST. I will use the by-the-numbers method of instruction.
7. Inspection arms from order arms is a seven-count movement. On the command of execution ARMS of Inspection, ARMS, execute port arms in two counts. By-the- numbers, Inspection, ARMS. Ready, TWO.
8. On count three, move the left hand from the hand guard and grasp the pistol grip, thumb over the lower portion of the bolt catch. Ready, THREE.
9. On count four, release the grasp of the right hand, unlock the charging handle with the thumb, and sharply pull the charging handle to the rear with the thumb and forefinger. At the same time, apply pressure on the lower portion of the bolt catch, locking the bolt to the rear. Ready, FOUR.
10. On count five, without changing the grasp of the right hand, sharply push the charging handle forward until it is locked into position; then regrasp the rifle with the right hand at the small of the stock. Ready, FIVE.
11. On count six, remove the left hand, twist the rifle with the right hand so that the ejection port is skyward, regrasp the handguard with the left hand just forward of the slipring, and visually inspect the receiver through the ejection port. Ready, SIX.
12. On count seven, with the right hand, twist the rifle so that the sights are up and come to inspection arms. Ready, SEVEN.
13. Ready, Port, ARMS is the only command that can be given from inspection arms. On the preparatory command Ready, move the left hand and regrasp the rifle with the thumb and fingers forming a “U” at the magazine well and trigger guard, the thumb without pressure on the upper part of the bolt catch, fingertips placed below or under the ejection port cover. Ready.
14. On the preparatory command Port, press the bolt catch and allow the bolt to go forward. With the fingertips, push upward, and close the ejection port cover. Grasp the pistol grip with the left hand and place the left thumb on the trigger. Port.
15. On the command of execution ARMS, pull the trigger and resume port arms. ARMS.
16. Order arms from port arms is a three-count movement. On the command of execution ARMS of Order, ARMS, execute order arms as previously taught. Order, ARMS. Ready, TWO. Ready, THREE. Inspection, ARMS. Ready TWO. Ready, THREE. Ready FOUR. Ready, FIVE. Ready, SIX. Ready, SEVEN. Ready, Port, ARMS. Order ARMS. Ready, TWO. Ready THREE.
17. At normal cadence, these movements would look as follows: Without-the-numbers, Inspection, ARMS. Ready, Port, ARMS. Order, ARMS. AT EASE.
18. What are your questions pertaining to these movements when executed at normal cadence or using the by-the-numbers method of instruction?
19. Demonstrator, ATTENTION. You will now become my assistant instructor. FALL OUT.
20. Platoon, ATTENTION. I will use the by-the-numbers method of instruction.