Changing Step While Marching
1. Instructional Formation, MARCH. AT EASE. The next movement, which I will name, explain, have demonstrated, and which you will conduct practical work on, is changing step while marching.
2. This movement is automatically executed when a soldier finds himself out of step, or on command when an element is out of step when marching as part of a larger unit.
3. The command for this movement is Change Step, MARCH.
4. Change Step, MARCH is a two-part command, Change Step is the preparatory command, and MARCH is the command of execution.
5. When given, this command is as follows: Change Step, MARCH.
6. Demonstrator, POST. I will use the step-by-step method of instruction.
7. NOTE: I have posted my demonstrator in the forward march position as this movement can only be executed while marching forward with a 30-inch step.
8. The preparatory command Change Step of Change Step, MARCH, must be given as the right foot strikes the marching surface, the command of execution MARCH of Change Step, MARCH must be given the next time that same foot strikes the marching surface.
9. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, execute a 30-inch step forward with the trail foot. When that foot strikes the marching surface, the demonstrator will receive the preparatory command Change Step of Change Step, MARCH. Ready, STEP. Change Step.
10. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, execute a 30-inch step forward with the trail foot. This is the intermediate step required between the preparatory command and the command of execution. Ready, STEP.
11. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, execute a 30-inch step forward with the trail foot. When the foot strikes the marching surface, the demonstrator will receive the command of execution MARCH of Change Step, MARCH. Ready, STEP. MARCH.
12. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, execute a 30-inch step forward with the trail foot, this being the additional step required after the command of execution. Ready, STEP.
13. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, in one count, place the right toe near the heel of the left foot and step off again with the left foot. The arms swing naturally. Ready, STEP.
14. For instructional purposes, on the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP, bring the trail foot alongside the lead foot and assume the position of attention. Ready, STEP. RE-FORM.
15. At normal cadence, this movement would look as follows: Forward, MARCH. Change Step, MARCH. Demonstrator , HALT. AT EASE.
16. What are your questions pertaining to this movement when executed at normal cadence or using the step-by-step method of instruction?
17. Demonstrator, ATTENTION. You will now become my assistant instructor. FALL OUT.
18. FALL IN. Right, FACE. I will use the step-by-step method of instruction.
19. On the command of execution STEP of Ready, STEP execute a 30 inch step forward with the left foot, allowing the arms to swing naturally, keeping the head and eyes straight to the front. Ready, STEP.