The PT leader states, “Demonstrator, POST. (The demonstrator posts in front of the formation.) I will use the talk through method of instruction. Exercise 1 of The Military Movement Drill is Verticals.” (The demonstrator responds, “Verticals.”)
The PT leader commands, “Starting Position, MOVE.” (The demonstrator moves into the starting position.) “The starting position is the straddle stance with hands on hips.”
“The command to begin the exercise is Ready, GO. Bring the leg up quickly to 90-degrees without raising the knees above waist level. Ground contact should be primarily with the balls of the feet. When the left leg is forward, the right arm swings forward bending at the elbow and raising the forearm perpendicular to the ground while the left arm is to the rear. When the right leg is forward, the left arm swings forward bending at the elbow and raising the forearm perpendicular to the ground while the right arm is to the rear. This exercise will be conducted in 25-yard increments.”
The PT leader commands, “Starting Position, MOVE.” (The demonstrator moves into the starting position.) “Position of Attention, MOVE.” (The demonstrator assumes the position of attention.) The PT leader states, “AT EASE.” (The demonstrator stands at ease.)
The PT leader states “What are your questions pertaining to Exercise 1 of The Military Movement Drill, Verticals?” Clarify all questions.
The PT leader commands, “Demonstrator, ATTENTION.” (The demonstrator assumes the position of attention.) “You will be my assistant instructor. FALL OUT.”